NFD-Special Modified Plastics | Special Plastics | The Professional Manufacturer of Nano-Antibacterial Plastics



If you're passionate about new energy, then you must be a frequent visitor for photovoltaic power generation! Worldwide, photovoltaic power generation is a worthwhile investment project. It not only expands energy sources, but also provides the possibility for building a harmonious living environment. This is an industry we are very willing to engage in. And if you have similar aspirations, we are ready to work with you and contribute to photovoltaic power generation!


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NFD Company provides large numbers of engineering plastic types and also mature material modification technologies which can meet the applications requiring properties. You can quickly find the materials that meet your product's capabilities here. Our fast delivery mechanism can make your creative ideas quickly become a reality.



The significance of photovoltaic power generation lies in obtaining clean energy and improving regional environment; therefore, low cost and environmental protection are the main factors to consider during material selection. In addition, the selection of functional materials should be considered based on the actual needs of power generation. Some materials need excellent weatherability to resist ultraviolet radiation while some need high strength to support the overall framework. Our NFD solutions are reliable enough to supports your needs.


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Functional materials   Functional materials: PEI

Photovoltaic frames   Photovoltaic frames: PARA

Photovoltaic frontsheets and backsheets   Photovoltaic frontsheets and backsheets: PVDF




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